The Smart Nonprofit is a jargon-free primer for all staff people, boards, and funders to navigate the next era of social change powered by AI and other “smart” technologies.
"URGENT! Read this book. Take notes. Take action. If you work for a nonprofit, you don't have to do every single thing these seasoned authors have to share, but you certainly have to know what you're missing."
―Seth Godin, Author of Purple Cow and This is Marketing
Smart tech automates many of the time-consuming administrative tasks that make work overwhelmingly and endless. Smart Nonprofits understand how to use this technology ethically and well to turn the page on an era of frantic busyness and scarcity. As a result, readers will learn how to create a dividend of time, more time that can be spent with clients and donors, and preventing crises, or more time to just think and learn and dream.
This groundbreaking book shows nonprofits a new way of operating in our increasingly connected world: a networked approach enabled by social technologies, where connections are leveraged to increase impact in effective ways that drive change for the betterment of our society and planet.
"Momentum is a clear, timely roadmap for activists and funders. Never has the need to change how we think about our work been greater. Momentum is a must-read for doers and funders serious about social change work."
—Pablo Eisenberg, senior fellow, Public Policy Institute, Georgetown University
A new and empowering way of looking at and organizing social change! How can we move from serving soup until our elbows ache to solving chronic social ills like hunger or homelessness? How can we break the disastrous cycle of low expectations that leads to chronic social failures? The answers to these questions lie within Momentum, a fresh, zestful way of thinking about and organizing social change work.
“Allison Fine has done it again! She lays out the concept of "Matterness" by offering best practices, stories, and examples of ways of working for organization as they ride the second wave of the social media revolution."
―Beth Kanter, Author,
Beth's Blog
The threat of a connected world creates a deep-in-the-gut fear for many leaders. This book explains that we don't need better people; we need better leaders who focus on the stuff that matters. When people matter the most, the priorities change. We begin to see our organizations from the outside in, listen to suggestions and ideas, work with and not at other people and organizations. When we're in conversation and connected we can direct how we want to work, get to the essence of our personal or professional goals, and make work manageable and enjoyable again.